The Wice Effect
Wice customers have what it takes to become CRM leaders
Wice customers win
Three times CRM-Best-Practice-Award!
At the CRM-expo 2011, a Wice customer was awarded the CRM Best Practice Award for the third time.
The software company A+B Solutions, Schwäbisch Gmünd, came in an excellent third place.
In 2009, another Best Practice Award went to a company that uses Wice CRM: After Concept2, also a company from the SME sector, had already received the award in 2005, Concept2 was now again among the winners with its innovative use of Wice CRM.
CRM Award 2011 for A+B – More success in all areas
A CRM strategy was developed together with the CRM experts from WICE and the University of Applied Sciences in Aalen. By using Wice CRM alone, A+B was able to save money, as administrative personnel costs could be reduced by 40,000 euros per year by eliminating IT that was no longer needed. Through process optimisation, success occurred in all areas of the company.
The simpler processing of customer enquiries, the elimination of many support requests through the FAQ database, the faster processing of difficult support cases through the CIC, the reduction of effort in searching for information and the faster learning phase of new employees into the company processes has greatly increased the productivity of each individual. Support requests were reduced by 50% and customer value increased by 15%. Overall, turnover has increased by 25% in recent years.
This project has made it clear that by using CRM, A+B can realise customer projects for which A+B would not have been considered at all in the past.
CRM Award 2009 for Concept 2 – Success with Social CRM
In 2005, Concept 2 won the CRM Best Practice Award in the Business-to-Consumer category for its exemplary CRM implementation. In 2009, Concept 2 had applied in the category of further development with a social CRM strategy.
By considering a customer as a multiplier, employees are even more motivated to satisfy him. Through direct dialogue with the customer, Concept 2 has received many tips on product improvements and further cross-selling potential. Visits to the website have increased by 34%, the number of customer referrals has increased by over 30% and the number of new online customers has increased by 40%. Overall sales increased by 14%, with a simultaneous price reduction of 10%. Through further standardisation and optimisation of the processes, a time saving of about 20 minutes per employee could be achieved.
The social CRM strategy has led to employees once again looking at the value of an individual customer with completely different eyes.
CRM Award 2005 for Concept 2 – Successful CRM implementation
With the realisation of a holistic CRM online platform with integrated content management system and web shop, Concept 2 wins the CRM Best Practice Award 2005 in the category Business-to-Consumer. Concept2 and WICE thus relegate T-Mobile with SAP to second place.
The integration of Content Management , Webshop and CRM in Wice CRM enabled seamless order processing with integrated merchandise management, a holistic view of customers and effective support for prospects, new customers and existing customers. This provides staff with a single highly integrated system for all customer-related processes. The old content management system, the shop system and the PC-Kaufmann software were completely replaced. This saves the employees cumbersome double maintenance and the Concept2 company licence, maintenance and infrastructure costs in the five-digit range.
Concept 2 has shown with its CRM project that CRM is fun for the employees and helps them in their daily work.
More than 350 good reasons speak for Wice
More than 350 small and medium-sized enterprises currently manage with Wice CRM. One or two companies also discovered the advantages of web-based CRM from the cloud for themselves. And more and more industries are becoming enthusiastic about the benefits of a CRM solution on demand.